Protection of minors / Attendance of underage persons
Dear parents and guardians,
In order to comply with the provisions of the German Youth Protection Act (JuSchG), children and young people under the age of 16 are only permitted to attend concerts in the Max-Schmeling-Halle if accompanied by a parent or guardian and in possession of a valid ticket.
Since the new Youth Protection Act came into effect, legal guardians (usually the parents) have the option of appointing a guardian to accompany and supervise their underage child during and after the event at the Velodrom or UFO. Accompanied by this guardian, your child may attend certain events.
Please note the following important information when appointing a guardian:
The guardian must be of legal age.
The guardian must be mature enough to responsibly provide the necessary support to your child.
When attending an event in the evening, your child's ride home must be guaranteed.
Make sure that the person responsible for the child's safety is not under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants while accompanying your child.
The guardian may be in charge of no more than three children.
You will find a form for the issuance of a parental authority according to § 1 Para. 1 No. 4 JuSchG below. This form must always be signed for minors under the age of 16 at all times. For event visitors over 16 years of age, the form must only be completed if the event ends after midnight.